Password. Forgot password? Log in. Your browser does not support JavaScript. You must enable  About CellaVision AB. CellaVision AB is a Sweden-based company active in the medical technology sector. The Company develops and sells digital solutions  We help hematology laboratories automate and simplify the process of performing blood and body fluid differentials.


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CellaVision-technology provides a new and more efficient approach to performing cell differentials. The automation offered by its technology removes the  Abstract. The CellaVision™ DM96 is an automated image analysis system dedicated to locating and preclassifying the various types of white blood cells in  CellaVision® DC-1 - Digital cell morphology. Digital cell morphology imaging device for blood smears; Connectivity that facilitates remote collaboration and  30 Apr 2020 HORIBA UK Ltd, Medical has introduced a new automated digital cell morphology solution in collaboration with CellaVision to help hematology  Automate the microscopy process. CellaVision DC-1 analyzer combines high- power microscopy, digital imaging, and AI-based image analysis. Through  CellaVision Proficiency Software. Email or username.

CellaVision® DM1200 Cell Image Analysis System Designed for the Mid Volume Lab The CellaVision DM1200 is designed with the mid volume laboratory in mind. The analyzer is able to share a database with other DM-Series analyzers throughout a healthcare network.


Email or username. Password.


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How to cite  CellaVision® DM1200. The engine of an automated and digital workflow for cell morphology. The CellaVision DM1200 fills one of the remaining automation  CellaVision is in digital cell morphology that develops & sells a technology that transforms routine analysis of blood & other body fluids.

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It combines a series of mini lectures with an extensive cell image library – The CellaVision® DM9600 digital cell morphology system is designed to automate the time-consuming, manual effort associated with traditional microscopy.

CellaVision develops and sells digital solutions for medical microscopy in hematology and is now a world leader in this segment. Specifications The CellaVision DC-1 is a digital cell imaging analyser that performs blood cell differentials. It offers a suitable solution for laboratories with small workloads.

We help hematology laboratories automate  CellaVision Career. 270 likes · 5 talking about this · 9 were here. We are proud of our corporate culture and every day we strive towards building We evaluated the CellaVision DM96 (CellaVision. AB, Lund, Sweden), an automated digital cell morphology and informatics system for peripheral blood smears.