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Besovida 2,464 views. 1:59. Kickstarter、嘖嘖zeczec - Duration: 12:21. 那個誰SOMEone Exogun Dream Pro is a portable massager that puts the power of a professional percussive massage into your hand. Wireless, lightweight, and adjustable, Exogun is changing the way people experience fitness, recovery, and tension relief.
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What caused the stir? Their line of modern silicone containers that allow you to prepare, cook, and serve food right from the same bowl. BesoVida is a set of utensil designed to take on different roles in the kitchen. It has three sizes to accommodate different uses. Made entirely out of food-grade silicone, it is 100% toxin-free, contains no BPS/BPA/Lead and other harmful chemicals. BesoVida Makes Minimal Containers to Prepare, Cook, and Serve Your food Hello June 02, 2020 Last summer, Taiwanese brand BesoVida took Kickstarter by storm when their campaign was 200% funded in less than 12 hours. and sizes.
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Prepare, cook and serve with 100% food grade silicone container. One Small + One Medium. Color options will be confirmed via survey (Smoky Gray, Chestnut Brown, Mint Green, Lemon Yellow, Rocky Gray).
The bowls, available now on Kickstarter, can withstand temperatures from 392°F all the way down
Last summer, Taiwanese brand BesoVida took Kickstarter by storm when their campaign was 200% funded in less than 12 hours. What caused the stir?
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Color options will be confirmed via survey (Smoky Gray, Chestnut Brown, Mint Green, Lemon Yellow, Rocky Gray). Future Retail Price: $33 USD Kickstarter Campaign Link:, cook and serve with 100% food grade silicone container. Reusable, recyclable, and toxin free Subscr by Besovida Prepare, cook and serve with 100% food grade silicone container. Funding Progress on Kickstarter Ended 10/03/19 - $255,094 / $5,000 On kickstarter.
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Schüsseln, die jetzt bei Kickstarter erhältlich sind, können Temperaturen von 392 ° F bis -22 ° F standhalten.
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References: kickstarter Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Pinterest BesoVida is a silicone kitchenware product that's designed to tackle all sorts of kitchen roles in one adorable package. BesoVida 雙雙 全矽膠環保餐碗 | Kickstarter 募資影片 BesoVida(ベソヴィーダ)は、100%シリコン製で、クッキングボウル・耐熱容器・食器としてリサイクル可能な非毒性のフードコンテナ。 FDA承認食品グレードのシリコン素材製で、耐熱性なので安全に使用でき、食品の保存から下ごしらえ、調理、配膳まで全ての場面でオールマイティに活躍。 バクテリアの発生を抑え食器としても使用可能なキッチンユーテンシル「BesoVida(ベソヴィーダ)」のご紹介です。 BesoVida(ベソヴィーダ)は、これ1つで食品保存・調理・サービングが可能なボウルデザインキッチンユーテンシル。 容量はたっぷりでもかさばらず収納できます。 下ごしらえ Last summer, Taiwanese brand BesoVida took Kickstarter by storm when their campaign was 200% funded in less than 12 hours. What caused the stir? Their line of modern silicone containers that allow you to prepare, cook, and serve food right from the same bowl. BesoVida is a set of utensil designed to take on different roles in the kitchen.